Action Result
Left mouse click Place 3D cursor
Right mouse click Select object (object mode) or element (edit mode)
Middle mouse click and drag Rotate view
Middle mouse scroll Zoom view
Shift + Middle mouse click and drag Pan view
Shift + Middle mouse scroll Pan up/down
Ctrl + Middle mouse scroll Pan left/right
Shift + F Fly Mode
Alt + Right mouse click Select edge/face loop
a Toggle select all
b Activate box select
c Circle select tool
e Extrude
f Make edge/face
g Put object into translate (“grab”) mode
  Adding [x,y,z] restricts to that global axis.
  Adding Shift + [x,y,z] restricts to that global plane.
Alt + g Reset translation to (0,0,0)
i Inset selection
m Select layer for selected object(s)
n Toggle viewport properties
r Put object into rotate mode
  Adding [x,y,z] restricts to that global axis.
  Adding Shift + [x,y,z] restricts to that global plane.
Alt + r Reset rotation to (0,0,0)
s Put object into scale mode
  Adding [x,y,z] restricts to that global axis.
  Adding Shift + [x,y,z] restricts to that global plane.
  Typing a number and pressing return scales by that fraction.
Alt + s Reset scale to (0,0,0)
t Toggle toolbar
w Open specials menu
x Delect selected
y Split selected mesh (common cause of silently inserting non-manifold geometry)
z Toggle wireframe
Ctrl + Spacebar Toggle widgets
Ctrl + n Recalculate normals
Ctrl + r Loop cut and slide
Shift + a Add object
Shift + c Shift 3D cursor to center
Shift + d Duplicate
Tab Toggle object/edit modes
Ctrl + 0 Set selected camera as active
Ctrl + +/- Extend (+) or decrease (-) selection
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + m Select non-manifold geometry
Ctrl + Alt + q Toggle Quad View
Ctrl + i Invert selection
Ctrl + j Join selection into a single object
Ctrl + Alt + 0 Move camera to current position
Ctrl + p Make selected objects children of a parent object (the last selected object)
Ctrl + j Join multiple objects into a single mesh object
Alt + p Remove all parents from selected object